TL:DR; Building easy to maintain reusable content-blocks with DS & Paragraphs
We all want to build beautiful sites with flexible layouts that are easy to maintain. Or at least we aspire to, right?
Achieving this can sometimes be a pain. On one hand we want our clients to have an easy to use interface, and we want to reduce the admin-panels to a minimum. On the other hand we developers want modularity, and an easy to maintain codebase.
Before D8 there were a bunch of different solutions to this problem. You had Panels, but you needed a half day course to get the client up & running, and maintainability is another thing. You could do some fancy stuff with editable blocks and DS-fields. And yes we had paragraphs... But it wasn't all quite coming together.
With D8's Configuration Management, we feel that we found the perfect way to balance both usability, and maintainability. Combining both Paragraphs and Display Suite we set up easy to (re)-use Paragraph-Types.
For Whom
This session is for everyone: It will be great for beginners, as we will cover everything on how to get up & running with D8 + DS + Paragraphs. But experienced site-builders that haven't quite experimented with Paragraphs can be sure to learn a thing or two.
This would also be the first time that I would give a session, so we all have something to learn. ;-)
This session will cover
- Setting up a fresh D8 with DS and Paragraph
- Configurating DS & Paragraphs
- Defining Paragraphs
- Common Use Cases
- Reusing Paragraphs
- Q&A (5-10min)